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Globalizace (1999-2000)
Globalizace (vše)
MMF (2000)
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Literární noviny


 How can we humanise globalisation?
Autor: UN Information Centre Prague

PRAGUE, 23 September 2000 (UN Information Centre) - The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson said in Prague today that the two sides in the globalisation debate should start talking to each other:

"Praga dialogi locus" Prague the place for dialogue" the fair and very open meeting we had today in the Prague Castle is a proof that a dialogue between more than 300 representatives from NGO's the IMF the World Bank group politicians intellectuals journalists is possible and that together we can talk about the problems of development in the poorest regions of the world. I welcome President Havel's initiative in calling this meeting. It is a positive step in that it brings in civil society and lets its voice be heard. It shows that international economic policy issues are a matter for concern to all of us, not just to the economic specialists. It recognises, too, the depth of concern that exists about the impact of globalisation."

During the discussion many issues were raised such as :the role of the international institutions (UN, World Bank, IMF etc) and specifically the question of debt cancellation. The role of civil society, especially non-governmental organisations, in the developed and the developing countries.Economic globalisation and the possibilities of its regulation, and development of the world's poorest regions versus human rights and environmental policy.

Among the issues raised by Mary Robinson :

Globalisation is not a new phenomenon but the scale and speed of its
expansion is. These are legitimate, indeed vital, issues and they need to be addressed by the world's leaders. In a way, the protestors in Seattle and elsewhere were ahead of the world's leaders in that they identified the scale of the problem before they did.

- It is time to link the debate in the street with the debate taking place
in so many other contexts. Globalisation and the international economic order are firmly at the top of the agenda. Now comes the hard part of sitting down and trying to work out how to improve the situation. All of us share a big stake in this - that much at least we have in common.

- It would be wrong to be blind to the economic benefits that globalisation has brought to some.

-The real question I see is how can we humanise globalisation, how can we shape it in such a way that it can benefit all instead of some?

- The fight against poverty is an example. Tackling poverty and exclusion is the greatest challenge of our time. The best way to address these problems is through a human rights-based approach.

- There are some signs of recognition, for example on the part of the World Bank, of the merits of the rights-based approach. The Bank has been actively participating in the UN Working Group on the Right to Development which met last week in Geneva. It should go further. The UN Committee which monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recently wrote to the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the IMF pointing out their firm view, after years of
examining States' compliance with international treaties that "poverty and human rights are inextricably linked and that the consideration of human rights can greatly enhance poverty reduction strategies".

- How to tackle these issues? There is no easy answer but the different interests involved - developmental, financial, environmental, trade, human rights need to have a closer dialogue.

 Téma Autor  Datum
 How can we humanise globalisation?   nový
UN Information Centre Prague
 RE: How can we humanise globalisation?   nový
Petr Ježek  
 RE: How can we humanise globalisation?   nový
Mesfin G.  

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Globalizace a moc
Milan Valach

Česko jako fikce?/Kdy skončí globalizace?
Martin Kuška

Josep F. Mária i Serrano: Globalizace
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Mesfin Gedlu

Co je to globalizace
Ivan Rynda

COLIN HINES: Lokalizace čili nástin alternativy ke globalizaci
Jakub Patočka

Kontrasty globalizace
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Je globalizace mezinárodní korupce?
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Tomáš Pecina

Globální problémy nelze popírat!
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Zprávy z Prahy
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Ideodiverzní centrály Stanislava Grosse
Štěpán Kotrba

Pražský začátek podzimu
Jiří Nečas

Násilí odsuzujeme, kritiky a protestů se nevzdáme
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Zástupci NGO společnou řeč s finančníky nenašli
Kateřina Lišková

Systémové poruchy "primitivní" ekonomie
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Globalizace jako výzva
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Diskuse o globalizaci v době Výročních zasedání MMF a SB
Zdeněk Hrubý

Křesťanská civilizace a globalizace
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Globalizace omezuje demokracii
Jan Keller

Je člověk bůh?
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Ženy a globalizace
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Jiná zpráva o Světové bance
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Nezakrníme vinou globalizace?
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Kofi Annan

Protesty proti globalizaci
Viktor Piorecký

K čemu by mohl být MMF?
Erazim Kohák

K problému globalizace
Petr Kužvart

Vítejte v éře globalizace
Pavel Nováček

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