Světová banka zahájila na Ukrajině internetové diskuzní fórum o strategii pomoci |
WASHINGTON, August 14, 2000 - The World Bank Office in Kiev launched today a discussion forum on the internet to broaden the participation of Ukrainian citizens in a dialog about the Bank Group's assistance in the country. On-the-ground consultations on the new Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) already took place with an extensive number of civil society organizations. However, anyone interested in giving comments or providing feedback on the Bank's assistance programs in Ukraine can now do so by joining the discussion at
The Bank's CAS for Ukraine is the document that outlines the Bank's business plan for the country and is currently being prepared with the government and in consultation with other Ukrainian stakeholders. Seeking feedback on the needs and priorities of the country, Bank officials have already met with over 200 representatives from NGOs, Ukrainian Parliament, local governments, members of academia and the private sector-in Kiev and in the regions. During these meetings, they discussed critical issues for Ukraine's sustainable development, such as environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and reform in the energy, health, and education sectors.
The results of the discussions with civil society organizations held in Ukraine are being incorporated into the Bank's strategy, and a summary of feedback and comments collected during the consultation process will also be part of the final CAS document that will be presented to the World Bank Group's Board of Executive Directors in September.
"The sustainability of any program aimed at improving development effectiveness in Ukraine requires the full awareness and involvement of its people," says World Bank Country Director for Ukraine and Belarus, Luca Barbone. "The Bank's Ukraine Team welcomes comments and feedback through this electronic forum, hoping that this could become a useful tool in our attempt to adapt the Bank's assistance to the priorities that the government and the people of Ukraine have set for themselves, in the most efficient way and with highest impact on the ground."
The CAS discussion forum will supplement the consultation process conducted on the ground by providing regular updates of key documents related to the CAS and other Bank projects, posting minutes from relevant meetings, and summaries of the feedback already received.
The focal point of this virtual space is the "discussion area" where all interested parties can post their comments and participate in a dialogue with Bank experts and other Ukrainian organizations.
The electronic forum also features a "document library", a "database of useful internet links", and a "contacts database", which makes it easy to communicate not only with Bank experts working on Ukraine, but also with other civil society groups that have been part of the CAS consultation process. The entire Discussion Forum is open to the public, and anyone with internet access and willing to adhere to the ground rules of the discussion is welcome to join.