Světová banka podpoří projekt rozvoje dětské populace v Eritrei

WASHINGTON, 28. července, 2000 - Světová banka schválila bezúročnou půjčku ve výši 40 miliónů amerických dolarů na podporu rozvoje dětské populace v Eritreji. Cílem projektu celkového rozvoje v raném dětství (Intergrated Early Childhood Project) je podporovat zdravý růst a všestranný rozvoj eritrejských dětí. V rámci projektu bude rozšířena dostupnost a kvalita služeb zaměřených na uspokojování potřeb mladších dětí jako jsou např. zdravotní péče, výživa, sociální ochrana a vzdělání. Projekt pokryje zhruba 560 000 dětí do věku 6 let, 310 000 dětí ve věku odpovídajícím základní školní docházce a 32 000 dětí v obzvlášť obtížné situaci (sirotků). Půjčku poskytne IDA (Mezinárodní rozvojová asociace) za standardních podmínek, tj. se splatností 40 let a odkladem první splátky na 10 let.

World Bank Supports Integrated Early Childhood Development in Eritrea

WASHINGTON, July 28, 2000 - The World Bank has approved a credit of US$40 million to support childhood development in Eritrea. The Integrated Early Childhood Development Project will promote the healthy growth and holistic development of Eritrean children. It will expand access to and improve the quality of services for young children's basic needs, such as healthcare, nutrition, social protection, and early childhood education.

The project will support the Eritrean government's human development and poverty alleviation objectives by improving access, quality and management of early childhood development interventions through a coordinated multi-sectoral approach. It is expected that economic and social benefits will accrue at national, community, household and individual levels as a result of this project.

The government of Eritrea recognizes the importance of investing in young children's growth and development, and in mother and child services. It places a high premium on the need to provide children with legal and social protection. In August 1994, it ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The program will cover about 560,000 children under the age of six; 310,000 primary school-age children; and 32,000 children facing especially difficult circumstances (orphans).

The Integrated Early Childhood Development Project will be financed by a US$40 million equivalent credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's lending arm for the poorest countries. The IDA credit is on standard terms of 40 years maturity, including 10 years grace. The government and other partner agencies including the Italian Cooperation will finance the project with an additional US$9 million. The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Italian Cooperation Agency, WHO, UNICEF, USAID, the Danish Agency DANIDA, WFP, and FAO.